Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Update: The More Things Change...

Since we last blogged...

Nothing happened. Really, now, did anything happen? Because Royal Blue is still a Royal Bust (though I suspect some activity behind those papered windows), we don't have any new sushi to speak of, Target is still there, the Metro escalators are still busted, and where is that new Ellwood Thompson grocery store even going?

But here are a few neighborhood tidbits for your reading pleasure.

First - the WSC whining continues over at the Columbia Heights Forum. I was there when this person was at least once or twice and I got a towel. But hey - I have my own complaints about the place... the new arc trainers caused a shift in weight machines causing no place to do crunches on a massive bouncy ball! Oh my!

Second - where have all our crime reports gone? ArtBart reported on this today for me when I realized it's been AGES since I've known who got mugged where and when and which type of car is being stolen today. Apparently the MPD has decided that the lists were often inconsistent and potentially hindering their investigations. What do you think? Was the daily crime report useful? If so, how?

Finally - The Heights Life would like to beg you to NOT rent your place for the Inauguration. This neighborhood has the benefit of being hotel free. Let's be good neighbors and not invite the madness! We promise to stay if you will... (then again, if you've rented to someone famous - please let us know ASAP (!)

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