Monday, May 18, 2009

Sketchy Turtle Sales in CH!

Mr. T in DC has the scoop on some shady baby turtle sales going on in Columbia Heights. It's about as unsafe as it gets, for both turtle and human alike, to have out of a box curbside turtle sales, so if you see turtle man - say something about turtle man (to the police, human society, the kid buying the turtle, whatever).

And now lets get to the subheadline of this turtle story: William Jordan Terrorizes Columbia Heights Forums!

You can't have a CH Forum Chat without a BroNat disagreement these days, and the turtle sales forum discussion is no different. Check out the thread here. BroNat is William Jordan, ANC Commissioner and the man with something to say about everything. Like the time he accused this blogger of "civic laziness" for asking if someone could help us cover ANC meetings then suggested I "send someone," which is what I was trying to do when I asked if someone could help us cover ANC meetings. THANKS FOR THE TIP BRONAT.

Also - anyone want to help this blog cover ANC meetings? We'll take notes and updates from any regular attendee.

We'll take other stuff, too, like recipes - but only if you give them funny Columbia Heights names, or restaurant reviews, or event announcements, or rants - we like rants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"bronat" had seriously had a screw loose for many, many years!