Friday, October 9, 2009

We Love DC profiles Columbia Heights

Local blog, We Love DC, takes a look at Columbia Heights for its "Where We Live" series. I talked to the post's author, Shannon, earlier this week and some of my thoughts on the neighborhood ended up in the final piece. What are your responses to her questions:

- How long have you lived in Columbia Heights?
- What do you like best about your neighborhood?
- How has the neighborhood changed since you've been there, and how do you expect it to change in the future?
- What are your favorite neighborhood spots-- restaurants, shops, bars, anything. Any can't missspots?


Tipsy said...

I stopped liking We Love DC when they came out in favor of the evisceration of DC's gun control laws. That shows they don't actually love DC.

Dave Stroup said...

I've 'near' Columbia Heights since 2007. Not a very long time, but I did spend 2007 up at Ogden and Center St, which was (and still is) a bit rough.

I enjoy being close to a lot of things, Mt. Pleasant, Adams Morgan, etc. Transit has gotten excellent with the addition of the circulator and the revamping of the S line on 16th St.

When I moved in a few years ago, DCUSA was mostly a hole in the ground, and the condos up north on 14th hadn't even been started. I used to walk to work down 14th Street (to Logan Circle area) and I barely recognize that walk with all this development.

Sadly I don't really enjoy many places in Columbia Heights proper. Wonderland and Red Rocks are alright, but I tend to head over to Adams Morgan or Mt. Pleasant.